How to verify SHA or MD5 checksum on macOS

For sha256: $ shasum -a 256 -c MacPass-0.7.9.sha256 For sha1: $ shasum -a 1 -c MacPass-0.7.9.sha1 For sha512: $ shasum -a 512 -c MacPass-0.7.9.sha512 For md5: $ md5 -c MacPass-0.7.9.md5 ErtuğrulDeveloping software, offering legal services, and gaming like it’s still the ’90s. LLM Exeter, PhD(c) in Private Int’l Law. Defender of […]

Save file location of Rise of the Tomb Raider [Mac]

Save file location of Rise of the Tomb Raider [Mac]: Go to this folder: ~/Library/Application Support/Feral Interactive/Rise of the Tomb Raider/SaveData Double click to the Steam Saves shortcut. This will take you to a path like this: /Users/username/Library/Application Support/Steam/userdata/199999996/300000/remote You will find your save data in that folder. ErtuğrulDeveloping software, offering legal services, and gaming […]