In Python, it can be convenient to define functions with default values. These are used when a value is not explicitly provided when the function is called: However, unexpected behavior can arise when using mutable objects, such as lists, as default values: You might expect that the players list would be empty each time this […]
How to Find and Access Windows 10 Lock Screen Images
Discover how to access Windows 10’s vibrant lock screen images stored in hidden system folders and use them as your custom wallpapers.
How to install Python to Debian/Ubuntu
Installing the Python version supported by your Debian or Ubuntu operating system is fairly straightforward. Use the following commands: Note: The above commands will install the default Python3 version that comes with your specific Debian or Ubuntu version. To install a more recent Python version on your Debian or Ubuntu system, you can use the […]
Discover a Resourceful Collection: Debian Server Tools on GitHub
debian-server-tools offers an interesting resource for Debian-based servers and web applications, presenting a collection of Bash and PHP scripts that are regularly updated on GitHub.
Exception Handling in Python
Exception handling is an integral part of coding in any language, and Python is no exception. However, one common mistake that developers often make is to catch all exceptions to avoid crashes. While this might seem like a good strategy to keep your program running, it can actually mask real issues and lead to hard-to-diagnose […]
How to install Fedora alongside Windows (dual boot) with full disk encryption
You can basically follow my instructions in the guide about dual-booting Windows and Debian with full disk encryption only with some minor differences. Here are my notes for you and for my future-self. I used Blivet GUI Partitioning and created an encrypted LVM volume group like I do in my guide. The steps are similar: […]
How to restore local notes from backup on macOS
I will explain in this post how to restore local notes from a backup to Apple’s Notes app on macOS. 1. Quit Notes 2. Temporarily disable Notes in iCloud settings in System Preferences 3. Open Finder. Go to your home folder. Copy the folder in the following path to a safe location, just in case […]
How to verify SHA or MD5 checksum on macOS
For sha256: $ shasum -a 256 -c MacPass-0.7.9.sha256 For sha1: $ shasum -a 1 -c MacPass-0.7.9.sha1 For sha512: $ shasum -a 512 -c MacPass-0.7.9.sha512 For md5: $ md5 -c MacPass-0.7.9.md5
Save file location of Rise of the Tomb Raider [Mac]
Save file location of Rise of the Tomb Raider [Mac]: Go to this folder: ~/Library/Application Support/Feral Interactive/Rise of the Tomb Raider/SaveData Double click to the Steam Saves shortcut. This will take you to a path like this: /Users/username/Library/Application Support/Steam/userdata/199999996/300000/remote You will find your save data in that folder.